Tag: exit strategy

The Leadership Gap

The Leadership Gap

It’s widely understood that people don’t quit their jobs; they quit their managers.  In fact, 85% of employees leave their job due to their relationship with their manager.  New research found that the average age an employee becomes a manager is 31.  They also found...
Integration Success- Beyond the Numbers

Integration Success- Beyond the Numbers

A wise man once said that all business problems are people problems.  Never has that been more apparent than when we look at post-merger integrations, 75% of which fail due to people problems (Deloitte.)   We have a client with an aggressive growth plan over the...
Maximizing ROI- The Return on Individuals

Maximizing ROI- The Return on Individuals

As many of you know, my mission is to teach companies how to predict the performance (#PredictPerformance) of their employees using the most scientifically validated management solution available that integrates workforce analytics and human capital development; The...
Succession Planning:  It’s All About Fit

Succession Planning: It’s All About Fit

A look of terror washed over the face of my CEO client after I asked her, “Who in your organization is best suited to take over after you exit?”  It was then that she realized she didn’t have anyone on her team that she felt had the necessary skills, knowledge, and...