So, Now You Have To Manage A Virtual Team…
In response to the Coronavirus/COVID-19, millions of employees will be thrust into working from home. And their managers will get a crash course in managing virtual teams while having to sustain productivity, quality of service, and engagement. 65 million Americans...
Talent Optimization: Hire vs Inspire
Shouldn’t it be Hire AND Inspire, rather than Hire VERSUS Inspire? If companies were in optimal conditions, then yes. But most companies are not optimizing their talent, and let’s clarify this upfront, it’s not HR’s fault. As a Certified Talent Optimization...
When To Innovate?
When should you innovate? When times are tough, most organizations cut costs and hope to weather the storm. As we’ve discussed in previous articles, hope is not a strategy, and the best time to innovate is ALWAYS. How can you innovate during tough times? ...
The Three Dimensions of a Job
I’ve spent over 25 years in human capital management and I’ve gotten 10 certifications in the space. Through the use and study of various assessments and workforce analytics, I can tell you that every job at any company contains some sense of nuance that can make it...